Here's are some picture from the informal Labor Day 2004
weekend run at the Western Illinois Railroad.

Click on thumbnails to see a larger picture.


Labor day weekend of 2004 finds Union Pacific 6060 and Western Illinois
9700 meeting at the crossing just outside the yard.


The 9700 is yielding to
the out bound mixed freight on a cool and cloudy day. The 9700 anxious to
yard the local frieght.



On the return trip, U.P. 6060 is heading into the yard while W.I. 9700 is lined for the West bound track taking the local up to Camp Grove.


Unbeknownst to either engineer, a Sasquatch seems to be running across the tracks and into the woods. What are the odds of that being caught on film?


Maintenance on the Western Illinois is superb as both locomotives look as
though they just came off the wash rack.


Labor day running was good, but the work was not done. On 9-11 U.P. 6060 and
2456 are seen rumbling across the diamond with a mixed freight returning from
Rock Island.

No rest for the Engineer and train crew as a quick turn around has the U.P. headed West again.

The Conductor is giving the train a roll by inspection on it's way out of town and will be catching the caboose and about 15 cars.
The U.P. crew is headed for the yard on it's last run of the day.
No flags were flown and no parades were attended. the crew just did their jobs and went home just thankful that they had a home to go to.


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