1:20 Scale Scherzer
Rolling Lift Bridge - Part 1
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This bridge is called a SCHERZER, in German I guess the S is silent. The
original pictures showed up in January 2001 Mainline Modeler Magazine.
A resource for information was a book called 'Bridges and Trestle Handbook'
by Paul Mallery and printed by Carstens Publications, Inc. Copies of this
book are available and currently advertised on the back page of Model
Railroad Craftsman and Model Railroader magazines.
The model is 1/20
scale and is 60" long 20" wide at it's widest part and will
be approximately 30" high when completed.
Although I am the
main engineer and project manager, 16 Illinois State University students
from the Construction sequence are the labor force. They are learning
by hands on experience the time, skills and patience it takes to put something
like this together.
They are not all working at the same time I should note. One in each group
is the CNC operator, one is the auto cad man and the other 3 to 5 people
are the riveters and workers.
Another group Headed by the Class Instructor are constructing the pilings
and river bed. Hopefully by the end of March we can show some finished
On to
Part 2 >>